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wWw.BaniPeNet.MyForum.Ro este cel mai sigur forum prin care poti face multi bani .
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Forumul va fi pentru server de counter-strike 1.6 si am nevoie de acest forum pentru ca playerii sa poata face topic cu ce au nevoie. MULTUMESC ANTICIPAT!
acest forum ... va fi folosit pentru o scurta prezentare a clanului de cs **n3x7**
Publicitate la serverul de Counter-Strike 1.6 Rzone.Idle.Ro...Cel Mai tare server NOrmaL din RomAnia
Acest forum este creat pt. a face publicitate unui server de cs
All Dreams Begin Somewhere
Founded in 1978 on little more than dreams and hard work, Forever Living is now a multi-billion dollar company, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, that manufactures and sells dozens of wellness and beauty products. People just like you distribute these life-enhancing products, providing you the opportunity to own your own business and secure your financial future with a proven plan. With over nine and a half million distributors in over 145 countries, Forever Living offers the once in a lifetime opportunity of living a healthier, wealthier life.
Rex Maughan knew there had to be something more to life than struggling to support his family and battling constant exhaustion. There were two things he needed to find to drastically improve the quality of his life—better health and financial freedom.
For years, Rex searched for a way to obtain these two things, but wasn’t satisfied with anything he found. So in 1978, he invited 43 people to attend the first Forever Living Products meeting in Tempe, Arizona, where he unveiled a customized plan that would provide him—and anyone else—with better health and financial freedom.
Rex proposed a very simple business idea to his closest family and friends. Offer consumable products to the public that are proven to promote lasting wellness and health—and do it in a personal way. Instead of dumping big bucks into traditional advertising, compensate anyone willing to share these products with their family and friends.
! Licente Steam !
Licenta Simpla - 2 euro
- Counter Strike 1.6
Licenta Normala - 4 euro
-Counter Strike 1.6
-Counter Strike Source
-Counter Strike Zero
Licenta Gold/Premium - 8 euro
- Counter Strike 1.6
- Day of Defeat
- Half-Life
- Half Life : Blue Shift
- Deathmatch Classic
- Opposing Force
- Ricochet
- Team Fortress Classic
..:::::/!\\ATENTIE /!\\:::::...
! Plata se face doar prin PayPal !
! Nu accept alte modalitati de plata !
Id de Messenger :
Acest forum este dedicat serverul de Counter Strike 1.6
Cea mai mare companie mondiala de hosting cu peste 1.200.000 de domenii hostate mondial
Proiectul s-a nascut dintr-o ambitie… s-a nascut din dorinta… s-a nascut din pasiune… dar, cel mai important, s-a nascut pentru noi, pentru voi... iesenii. este un concept nou, diferit, orientat catre viata Iasului si sprijinit de interesele iesenilor. este un fel de a privi si a trai diferitele experiente… este sursa ta de informare si distractie…. .ro este Iasi.MyForum orasul tau pe net.
Vom vorbi mai putin, pentru a ne putea concentra sa facem acest proiect si mai bun, pentru ca acesta sa devina ceea ce tu iti doresti.
Ca sa crestem, trebuia ca mai intai sa existam. Acum existam!
Te invitam sa faci parte din comunitatea, te invitam sa crestem impreuna!
Clan de cs 1.6 numit <<Tok!0>> in care pot intra multi membri pentru mai multe informani contactati